Kid-Lit Community!
Let’s celebrate our love for children's books, comics, graphic novels, and beautiful illustrations!
Hello, Kid-Lit Lovers!
Welcome to our cozy little corner for all things children's books! Whether you adore board books, chapter books, graphic novels, or young adult books, this is the perfect spot for discovering and celebrating new stories together!
Whether you're a creator or a passionate reader, I’d love to hear about your Substack where you share your love for children’s literature—whether it’s through writing, illustrating, reviewing, or sharing awesome books, graphic novels, or comics. Just drop a comment below!
I'll keep our list fresh and updated and share your Substack or posts in Story Makers Art Club so we can all connect and grow as a community! 💖
Abigail Rajunov - Back to the Drawing Board
Adam Ming - Ten Minute Artist
Anne Marie Avey - @annemarieavey
Ann Shen - The Tea Salon
Ashlyn Anstee - For The Fun of It
Adam Mills - @millsocracy
Angela Oddling - Lovely Little Things!
Anoosha Syed - Anoosha’s Studio
AdriAnne Larsen - Book Snacks
Annie Parsons - Annie’s Story Studio
Alexis Davis - Library Stax
Andrea Wang -
Andrea Tsurumi - Amused By Corners
Alexandra Beguez - An Ocular Tangent
Ava Lin - Kidlit Survival Guide
Ashley Yazdani - Wondering
Artichoke - @art1choke
Andrea W - Library Must Haves
Alexa Tuttle - The Giggler
Ann J. - A Journal of Magic
Annie McGee - The Paint Pot
Ann Shen - The Tea Salon
Anna Stenger - Things Anna Thinks
Amanda Morrow - Amanda Morrow Illustration
Avani Dwivedi - Always in my head
Angela Hsieh - Anecdotal
Bob Shea - Bob’s Shea-nanigans!
Bert Tzeng - Bert’s Substack
Brigitta Blair - Brigitta’s Burbs
Books for Black Kids - Substack for Books for Black Kids
Brenda Harris - On The Creative Road
Brieanna Wilkoff - Imperfectly, Beautifully Human
Charell G. Coleman - @charellgcoleman
Christine Evans - Christine Evans: Children's Author
Christine Nishiyama - I Might Could Do That!
Cheryl Jordan - The Cozy Chapter
Christian Robinson - Todays Special
Cait Brennan - The Little Things
Cátia Chien - Cat Dog
Carly Martin - Clementine Studio
Carlie Tuttle - @carlietuttle
Carolyn Sehgal - Failing Creatively
Carol Fisher Saller - Carol Fisher Saller
Cristina Dekle -
Cristina Oxtra - @cristinaoxtraauthor
Claire Powell - Pen Powell Posts
Candy Gourlay - Candy's House of Procrastination
Christina Gworek -
Carrie Shrycock - The Observationalist
Cuttlefish Academy - The Think Tank
Danamarie Hosler - The Coop
Darcy Pattison - Indie Kids Books
Debbie Ridpath Ohi - Inkygirl
Deborah Underwood - Underwood Ink
Debbi Florence - @michiko22
Del Hahn - Sooner or later
Denise Holmes - Playtime
David Rickert - David’s Substack
Darcy Pattison - Indie Kids Books
Damjana Loddelina - The Lemon Tart Bandit
DeAndra Hodge - DeAndra’s Desk
Donalyn Miller - Our Reading Lives
E. B. Goodale - A Tiny Room
Emeline Lee -
Eliza Wheeler - Creative-Tea Time
Eliza Kinkz - Eliza’s Kinkz's Casa Club
Emily Booth - The Pencil Case
Emma Clarke - The Picture Book Place
Elayne Crain - Elayne Crain, Writer of Childish Things
Erin Stead - Number Five Bus with Erin and Philip Stead
Francesca Grech - Gee’s Storees
Francis S. Poesy - Slipshod Poesy
Federico Fabiani - Art Agenting & Airtable
Gwenn - Chouette raconte, les coulisses de la création
Gunja Bhatt - Colorful Chronicles
Gracie Klumpp - Leave the Fingerprints
Gina Perry - Doodle Mail
Helen Stephens - Pencil Pals
Hanna Stüker - Skizzenbuch & Kaffeetasse
Helen Nesburg - Perpetual Forward Momentum
Hen&ink Literary Coop Notes - Hen&ink Literary Coop Notes
Heidi Fiedler - Nebula Notebook
Heidi Rabinowitz - The Book of Life Podcast
Heidi M. Roger - Let’s Grow
Illoguild - Illoguild
Lilla Rogers - Lilla’s Substack
Isabella Kung - Cats Got My Tongue
Iris Quiroga - Picture Book Looks
James Gurney - Paint Here
Jade Adia - Back To The Book Fair
Jeremy Ray Ross - Just One Thing!
Julie Benbassat - The Sketch Bug
Jacob Souva - Drawing A Blank
Jeremy Ray Ross - Just One Thing!
Jen Gubicza - Rhymes with Pizza
Jyoti Rajan Gopal - Jyoti’s Substack
Jen de Oliveira - Sunday HA HA
Jon Klassen - Jon Klassen Things
John Bond - John’s Substack
John Nez - Words & Pictures
Joyce P. Uglow - Joyce P. Uglow Storied Ink
Joyce Wan - Wan-dering
Jake Parker - Jake’s Desk
Juliana Castro - My Little Cuevita!
Joshua Smeaton - The Kid Comics Creator
Jennifer Chambliss Bertman - Letters From Jenn
Jane Smith - Super Readers Club
Jennifer Laughran - Ask the Agent
Jane Porter - Story Street
Jackie Thomson - In the Loom Room
Julie, Books for Kids - Books For Kids
Kayla Stark - Odd Thoughts
Kate Blaisdell Barsotti - the Growlery
Katie Stack - Katie’s Newsletter
Kenard Pak - Pandagun
K. Woodman-Maynard - Creating Comics
Kaeti V. -
Kinga Burger - The Chaos of Excitement
Kristin Wauson -
Karla Monterrosa - Papaya
Kimberly Gee - Creating A Picture Book World
Kelsey Ó Ciardha - Picturebookish
Kuleigh Baker - Overbooked Mama
Kat Fajardo - Cafecito & Doodles
Lian Cho - Am I doing this right?
Lisa Anchin - Hogwash & Nonsense
Laurie Elmquist - Laurie Elmquist’s Substack
Lily Williams - Planting Seeds
Leanimation - Learning with Lea
Lenny Wen - Lenny Wen’s Meadow
Lauren Degraaf - A Moment with You
Laura Petrisin - Laura’s Substack
Lisa L.Owens - The Writing Life
Lisa Johnston Hancock - The Curious Illustrator
Lindsey Bryan - Lindsey’s Substack
Linzie Hunter - The Cute List
LuAnn M. Rod - The Writing Pen
Lucy Fleming - Lucy’s Substack
Maple Lam - Learning Comics & Graphic Novels
Marta Pilosio - Marta Pilosio
Mac Barnett & Jon Klassen - Looking At Picture Books
Madalina Buzenchi - For Artist
Meaghan McIsaac - Authorstrator
Melissa Mwai - Melissa Mwai's Creative Life
Melissa Castrillon - Casa Castrillón
Mychal Threets - Book Joy Talks with Mychal
Meredith Davis - Face Out
Megan Ashton - Our Little Book Collection
Momoko Abe - Momo’s Doodle Den
Momo - Momo’s Art Corner
Monika Baum - @monbaum
Melissa-Jane Fogarty (Nguyen) - Creating Through Chaos
Mirelle Ortega - newsletter.doc
Milena Milak - Artist in Progress
Michelle Jing Chan -
Michael Regina - Creative Productivity Corner
Mike Dawson - Mike Dawson Comics
Mojca Novak - Mocculere’s Letters
Michelle Lin - Drawing In Obscurity
Magical Page Publishing - Books for Reluctant Readers
Mariya Goltseva - Tiny Tales
Nichole Mace - @bynicholemarie
Nidhi Chanani - Every Day Love
Niña Mata - Niña Mata Illustration
Nanette Regan - Secretary Sketchbook
Nicole Chen -
Nathasha Padron - Sketchbook Musings
Polly Noakes - Polly’s Newsletter
Quinn Cummings - Reading To Connect
Rachel Michelle Wilson - At The Kid Table
Rachael Dean - The Art of Being Real
Rebecca J. Gomez - Snippets and Sketches
Reagan Lehman - Reagan’s Substack
Reese - ReesaBoBeesa News
Renee Kurilla - Digging In
Rocio D. Arreola Mendoza - Atelier Denarmen
Rob Sayegh Jr. - Working with Words & Pictures by Rob Sayegh Jr
Rekha Salin - Rekha’s Newsletter
Sasha Kahn - Child + Line
Samantha Cora Christian Haas - Under the Drumlin Sun
Shirley Ng-Benitez- Shirley’s Substack
Sharon Korzelius - On Deck with Sharon
Shanda McCloskey - From The Desk Of: Shanda McCloskey
Shawn Harris - Make Some Art with Shawn Harris
Shelbie Withers - Chasing Delight
Susan Cabael - A Perpetual Work in Progress
Shannon Balloon - The Middle-Grade Matters Newsletter
Simone Grünewald - Schmoe’s Cozy Art Club
Simon Phillip - Authorly Honest
Shaylee Robson - Invisibella
Sophie Benmouyal - A Nonlinear Art Journey
Sabrina Moyle - The Golden Bowl with Sabrina Moyle
Sophie Blackall - Things to Look Forward To
Sara Pimental - Mild Things
Shadra Strickland - Shadra Strickland
Sri Juneja - Readable Moments
Srinidhi - Pen Paper Partyhat
Sarah Allen - Sarah’s Smorgasbord
Stan Yan - @zombicatures
Sarah Shotts - The Compost Heap
Tina Cho - Tina Cho’s Writing Tidbits
Tracy Banghart - Tracy Banghart
Tara Anand - The Drafts
Theresa Arzola - Adventures With Titan
Taarika John - Pencil Prattle
Tostoini - La newsletter tostoina
Taunya English - Taunya English's Reluctant Nature
Todd Burleson - @toddburleson
Tricia Springstubb - @triciaspringstubb
Uplift: AANHPI Kidlit News - @upliftkidlit
Vicky Fang - Vicky Fang’s Newsletter
Vera Brosgol - Rat Cruise
Vicki Palmquist - Reading Ahead
Valerie Parizeault - Au Large
Viktoria Åström - Art by Viktoria
Yves Kervoelen - @yveskervoelen
Zoe Si - Zoe Sees
Zara - 52 Weeks
@growlery Kate Barsotti
See my substack at